Welcome to our page! We would be honored to welcome you in person on Sunday mornings. Below, you’ll find information about who we are and what we believe.
The Christian Center PIB Ocala (Primera Iglesia Bautista Hispana de Ocala) was born out of the inspiration and love for lost souls of Pastor Satírio Dos Santos (Centro Cristiano Cúcuta – Colombia), who for decades has been a missionary example and role model for our Pastor Markus Maxwell. It also came from long walks, conversations, and prayers with Pastor Ney Silva Ladeia, the senior pastor of PIB Florida in Pompano Beach.
Recognizing the growing need for a multicultural ministry in Spanish, Portuguese, and English, with a Latin DNA, to serve these constantly growing communities in North America, and following God’s direction, missionary Markus relocated his residence to the city of Ocala, in Central Florida. This region is experiencing a significant boom in real estate and population growth. Ocala, the seat of Marion County, is the fastest-growing region in Florida and has a substantial Latin American presence.
Observing the location of the Latino community in the county seat, we decided to start the planting of Centro Cristiano PIB Ocala at the Hilton Hotel, located at 3600 Southwest 36th Ave, Ocala. This location is central and strategically positioned between the three largest Hispanic communities in the county.
Pastor Principal
Pastor Ejecutivo
Pastor de Discipulado y Movilización
Pastor de Operaciones y Membresía
Pastor de Adoración
Pastor Emérito y Pastor de Jóvenes de Corazón
Pastor de Estudiantes
Director de NextGen Niños
Director de NextGen Preescolar y Asistente de Discipulado y Movilización
Asistente Financiero
Asistente Financiero
Asistente del Ministerio de Jóvenes de Corazón
Asistente del Ministerio NextGen
Asistente del Ministerio, Operaciones y Membresía
Asistente de Adoración y Medios
Administradora de la Escuela de Música
Director de Servicios Técnicos
Asistente de Calendario y Gráficos
Directora del Preescolar Primeros Pasos
Subdirectora del Preescolar Primeros Pasos
Miembro del Equipo de Instalaciones
Miembro del Equipo de Instalaciones
Miembro del Equipo de Instalaciones
Miembro del Equipo de Instalaciones
Miembro del Equipo de Instalaciones
We seek men and women who do not know Jesus Christ and guide them to salvation. Then, we disciple and equip them to commit to Christ and His church. We mold them into autonomous, responsible, and transcendent leaders, raising a generation of conquerors who live by the Word and are willing to carry the Gospel regardless of the cost. (Matthew 28:19-20)
To make Ocala, the region, and the United States, spaces where the love and principles of God’s Kingdom are present in all areas of personal and social life, serving as a model and platform for the global mission. (Acts 1:8)
Our church encourages its members to live a life pleasing to God in every place they go. It distinguishes true worship from false religiosity.
Our church reveals God’s glory to the world through the transformation of lives, serving as a magnet that attracts others.
It is dynamic and effective through God’s power over sickness, death, nature, and demons.
Our church actively seeks the unsaved and develops teaching programs so they can believe in Jesus Christ and embrace the mission to win, build, and send.
All members think and act in alignment with the leadership’s direction. While autonomy exists in some areas, everything aims toward a common goal established by the organization.
The church must remain attentive to changes in political, legal, economic, socio-cultural, technological, and ecological aspects to provide timely responses.
The leader is the core around which the organization revolves. If the leader is competent, the organization thrives; if not, chaos ensues.
The organization requires proper control systems, clear communication, effective resource allocation, and skilled personnel.
We are made in God’s image and likeness, so we practice:
The ability to act in alignment with who we are, fully developing our talents, with every action or mission characterized by:
The exercise of inner authority given by God to avoid being governed by impulses, emotions, passions, interests, or possessions. This ensures respect for:
Community Groups: 9:00 AM
Worship: 10:00 AM
Hilton Hotel Ocala
3600 SW 36th Ave,
Ocala, FL 34474